Whats Going on in the Life of the Ward's
This Blog is the update's on what's happening in our life
Our are lives are lived out waiting for our promises and words to be fulfilled, and often times it seems to take much longer then we had expected. Once we are on the other side of that fulfillment there is the journey of walking it out and rarely does that ever look like we think it was going to. We live with ideals of what we think life and fulfilled promises will feel and be like and when our expectations and reality are different well, it takes a whole new level of faith, hope and love. Is it worth it? Every time! I think when God called me in a unique and special way as a girl it forever meant my life would be one of living out the messages I would carry. Since the last update in May a lot has taken place. I can say its has also been one of the more challenging seasons in my life. I have always been an overcomer being faced with many physical and spiritual challenges. God has a way of changing things up so we have to lean into Him even more to get the gold out of every season. I have been married 11 months today, almost a year. It is so amazing to finally have a husband and family and I am so thankful for it. Learning to be married when two strong people are in their 30’s is an adventure in and of it self, and I can say with confidence that we both learning and loving a lot! When you add into all the extra things like raising wild teenage boys, running a household and trying to survival financially, helping lead a movement, helping you husband start a business, and being an itinerate minister takes you into a place where you completely run out of all your strength and all you have is His, which is actually a good place to be. In June Phillip and I got to go to Denver to be apart of our friend Jessie and Maddy Engle’s wedding. It is always fun when we get to travel and get time together and we seem to have a lot of weddings to go do lately. Phillip’s passion and call is to the inner cities and especially Compton and Watts here in LA. Its his inheritance and legacy because that is what his parents gave their lives to do when he was growing up. So in June and July Phillip got to be apart of some different outreaches down there and even saw young men give their lives to Jesus. He is in his element in the inner cities and projects. I also was in Washington DC with our Circuit Riders and the Reset Movement for a pre gathering that will be leading to TOGETHER 2016 on the Mall in 7/16/16 (watch video). This is a huge part of what the Circuit Riders are prepare for in America right now. From there I went to Sophia, NC at my friend Jonathan and Melissa Helser’s farm for my dear friend Kateland and Joel Case wedding, and I got some sweet time with Melissa. Then to Knoxville, TN to work with a business Gridwell there. In July we ran our 21 Project in Pasadena. Where a couple hundred young people came to be trained and equipped for 21 days in the simple gospel and revival culture along side specialized training in music, business, evangelism, media and the arts, college campus tours, and missions to unreached people groups. It was one of the most amazing schools we have done yet. So much fruit and so much fun! In August I was in Kona and New Zealand teaching at the YWAM base and House of Prayer. These are two long term commitments for me and a committed to go often as I am able to help build and speak into the community’s that feel like family to me. September was a very special month for our Circuit Rider, YWAM communities. We work in relationship with The Call and Lou Engle. The Lord spoke to Lou through some powerful ways that he is to fill the LA Coliseum on April 9th, 2016 the 110th anniversary of Azusa to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and racial color line washed away by the blood of Jesus. If you have 20 mins WATCH THIS VIDEO of Lou sharing his heart about the gathering in April. The Lord called Lou to a 40 day water fast and through another powerful encounter was lead to go the prayer room on the USC campus and fast in September. The Lord gave me an encounter as well as He communicated to me that He was also calling the Circuit Riders to join into this season. That it would be life changing for the movement and a season of SATURATION. Our Kona family joined in and many around the world as well. We did not travel for the month of September to fully join in powerful season. People where living in the Prayer along side Lour during this time. God did so much that it would take me a whole newsletter just to talk about all of what happened. Many amazing and powerful things! The Circuit Riders are fully running with Lou and the Call preparing for this gathering in April. COME JOIN US!!! Many are patterning with us from Bethel Redding, Heidi Baker, Reinhard Bonkke’s crew, Todd White, Evangelical churches, African American, Latino etc… its a huge unity moment in America. I ended the last week of this fast in Norway with a small team running a Circuit Rider school there with powerful life changes, salvation and healing. Then I did a women's conference in Roseburg, OR a week after the shooting and saw a move among the women and then went to Albany, OR, one of my home churches and spoke on a Sunday morning. Since Phillip and I have been married we have been trying to get Phillips modern industrial furniture business True North Sons off the ground .(website coming soon, Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites - DENVER AIRPORT check out his istagram @truenorthsons) Breaking into the market and getting clients in LA as proven to be quite the challenge. He has gotten little things here and there. Financially it has been one of the most challenging seasons yet, so in October Phillip went to Alaska for a small two week job. We where apart almost 3 weeks and had to get help from our community with the boys, but we got through it and got to spend a weekend in Redding, CA together for our friends Christa and Sean Smith’s wedding. On the kid front, Mekennah finished her DTS in Kona and outreach in South Africa and is back in Alaska living with Phillips parents working and getting back into college. Elijah has been walking through a lot and continuing to overcome and now is in a christian rehab getting the help and tools he needs for some great opportunities coming his way when he gets out. We got Bob into a great christian school and he turned 16 last Friday. I am currently in Kona finishing a week of teaching in Fire & Fragrance. Phillip and I have a gathering we are apart of next week in LA with different young leaders from around the world. The rest of November should be spent in the LA area. First week of December I am in Orlando and then a quick trip do Denver for a meeting and our 1 year anniversary. Then we go as a family to Wasilla for Christmas with Phillips side of the family and then New Years with my family out at Pt. Agassiz. 2016 is quickly approaching and its going to be a wild full year. We are still praying into what that is going to look like as far as my travel and where to direct or time and attention with so much going on and our great need for financial provision. Right now we are in real financial need. We are doing our very best to figure out how to start a business, be a family, be married, live in Pasadena, my travel schedule, be obedient to the Lord and somehow financially make it. We need a miracle! We need something big to break open for Phillip in our area that can provide for our family and allow him to be a present father and husband. Life with having teenage boys in the place they are in does not allow for Phillip to have to have a job where he has to be out of town for longer periods of time. We are really needing to raise our monthly financial support so I can continue on in ministry and bring leadership to Circuit Riders, Fire & Fragrance, and other things I lead out int. I need to be able to focus more on what is in front of me and not have to live under such pressure and circumstances that keep us from being able to do what we are called to. With all the challenging things going in our lives with kids and ministry this financial pressure has been one of the heaviest weights. Would you please pray about partnering with us in this season financially? If you would like to give tax deductible FOLLOW THIS LINK if you want to just give through my personal PAY PAL YOU CAN HERE. If you want more information please e-mail me.
Thank you for all your prayers, love and support in this season. In the midst of so many things going on I am filled with hope and faith and blown away by all the Lord is doing. The Kingdom of God is advancing more then ever before! Blessings! Amy & Phillip Ward
AuthorThe Ward family adventures by Amy Ward Archives
November 2023
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