Whats Going on in the Life of the Ward's
This Blog is the update's on what's happening in our life
![]() Well I am in my 7th week of outreach and I am in Lutoka, Fiji. We came here with our entire team but have broken up into three smaller teams with two of them in the outer islands and my team still here in Lutoka. It is pretty weird having most of the team gone. It is much more quite. Most of our ministry so far has been with children and churches. I got to speak in the YWAM staff's bible study as well as youth group. I have been able to speak prophetic words over people here and that has been good. Today I got to do the most amazing thing I have done yet on outreach! So let me try and tell you this story and you will have to use your imagination to picture it. A year ago the leader of the YWAM base here thought she was dialing her land lady's number and finally someone answered and she asked who it was and he told her she had reached the chiefs home. She thought he was joking but he was not. Not only was it a chief but it was the chairman for the counsel of the high chiefs. He is the highest chief in all of Fiji. He has more power then the prime minister (though there government set up is confusing to me). The chief saw all these missed calls from this YWAM leader and thought someone needed to get a hold of him so he called her back. She was scared to take his call as she knew it had been a wrong number now. But she finally answered and this chief and her talked and he was a christian so for the last year when big things where going on he would call her and ask them to pray. She had never met him before. The other day she talked to him and asked him if we could come see him. He said yes. First of all people just don't go see the chief at his home. Well it just so happens the leader of my outreach team is also a chief in Samoa. So this YWAM leader told the chief in Fiji that a chief from Samoa (Vae Eli) and a prophet from Alaska (I did not say it they did) wanted to come and pray for him and meet him. So today we get up early and Vinnie the YWAM leader along with her daughter, Vae and two of his kids, myself and a local pastor drove to his village where he was. Now when you go into a chiefs home you have to do all this protocol so that is why we took the local pastor. We had to be dressed up. When we get to the home Vae realizes the village has the same name as his grandfathers village in Samoa. We enter the house bowing and sit on the floor on these mats. The chief sits in his chair not looking at us. There is a man who speaks for him and the pastor with us speaks for us. The chief asks who is the Samoa chief and motions for Vae to take a chair across from him. Then the protocol begins. They have to give this certain kind of root or grass that makes a drink called Kava ( don't know if I spelled it right). So all of us on the floor have to sit a certain way with our feet a certain way. With my knee problem I was asking God for help. So these two spokes men where saying all these things in Fijian. Finally the two chiefs started talking and we sat and listened. It was something out a story for me. I have been in protocol stuff many times in Alaska and then in Hawaii but this was the real thing. As Vae and this chief talked they realized that they where actually related in their family line. That changed everything. It was a pretty amazing thing. That is why their villages where named the same thing. It was amazing watching them tell their stories of their ancestors. Gifts where given. The Chief gave Vae one of the most sacred gifts, a whales tooth. Vea asked him to pray a blessing over his children. So they bowed before him and he prayed. At one point the took Vae's oldest daughter and dressed her in the traditional tapa and fabric they do to give honor. Then it came time to pray. I was introduced as a prophet from Alaska and everything in my wanted to protest but in that moment I realized it was best not to. So I gave him the words God had given me. He thanked me and I prayed over him. We got some pictures with him. Then more protocol was done as we where leaving. I walked across the room bent slightly over to shake his hand and he said "you are welcome here anytime". I gave his wife a gift of earrings from Alaska. Children sat around on the floor to so I gave them some candy. I had the thought a few times "this is really happening". It was an awesome experience and one that I can see has to do with the calling on my life. All glory be to Jesus!
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![]() Another amazing opportunity and highlight of my outreach is the last couple days I have been ministering in all girls Methodist school. It started by prophesying over the principal and some of the staff of the school when they came to see me. On Sunday I was asked to go and speak at the school to the girls who lived there. The school is about 700 girls and 120 of them live there because they are from outer islands and villages. I along with one other student went on Sunday. They where all dressed in white and set on benches and sang these songs so beautiful it was amazing. I gave me testimony and then sang a song I wrote to them and prayed. I could hear sniffles through out the room as God was touching them but they had to go to church so we needed to end. I was asked to pray through the school as I did I realized how broken and hurt a lot of these girls where. In talking with the principal I was asked to come back that night to minister to them. So I brought most of the team with me and we came back and just invited the Lord to come. He did. They all stood and we walked around and prayed over them. Most of them where crying and God was so strong in the room! His peace was so amazing. At one point I gave an invitation for those girls who where dealing with death, suicide, and self hatred. I would say half the girls responded. It was powerful. As we where leaving the girls where coming up to us to ask for more prayer or to tell us something. One girl told me how at home she is beaten and told she was worthless. One girl who was Muslim got baptized recently now her brother beats her all the time. As you looked into there amazing eyes and they told you things of abuse and pain all you could do was call out to God for help on their behalf. I fell in love with them all right there. Last night some of us went back again. I spoke to them for awhile and then we broke into groups to talk and pray with them. Again the stories that came out broke your heart but it was an amazing time! I spoke with strong conviction of the destiny over their lives. Some girls gave their life to the Lord, some where healed physically and many emotionally. God is good. |
AuthorThe Ward family adventures by Amy Ward Archives
November 2023
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